Great First Impression
Gift For You
Gift For You
Simply Call Jared for Details
and to Order: 847-304-4446
Professional EPS Portrait Package
When we really like a photo of ourself, we’re proud to share it with... the world! Since 1995, EPS has successfully offered a Like-It or Love-It GUARANTEE. Executive Portrait Specialists IS the Cure for the Common Headshot! CLICK HERE to see samples (EPS Website)
When we really like a photo of ourself, we’re proud to share it with... the world! Since 1995, EPS has successfully offered a Like-It or Love-It GUARANTEE. Executive Portrait Specialists IS the Cure for the Common Headshot! CLICK HERE to see samples (EPS Website)
....................Just $297.95
Professional EPS Portrait - VIDEO
The same Like-It or Love-It Guarantee package as above, BUT when “clicked” the headshot photograph comes to life as a talking 30 second video that delivers one's Unique Selling Promise & Call To Action. This unique combination captures more qualified prospects faster than a headshot alone.
The same Like-It or Love-It Guarantee package as above, BUT when “clicked” the headshot photograph comes to life as a talking 30 second video that delivers one's Unique Selling Promise & Call To Action. This unique combination captures more qualified prospects faster than a headshot alone.
....................Just $497.95
Knock Your Christmas Socks Off! ...with a Website Welcome Video / or Teaser Marketing from At a Glance Marketing. Video is proven to generate MUCH higher Google Search ranking to engage more prospective buyers.
*According to Cisco’s 2014 Visual Networking Index, video makes up 64% of all internet traffic and is forecast to grow to 80 percent by 2019. *Click for Source
Knock Your Christmas Socks Off! ...with a Website Welcome Video / or Teaser Marketing from At a Glance Marketing. Video is proven to generate MUCH higher Google Search ranking to engage more prospective buyers.
*According to Cisco’s 2014 Visual Networking Index, video makes up 64% of all internet traffic and is forecast to grow to 80 percent by 2019. *Click for Source
....................Only $997.95
Written Client Testimonials have helped fuel sales efforts for decades. VIDEO Client Testimonials are the JET FUEL of Social Proof!
Two (2) terrific options:
1) SET OF THREE (3) Golden Client Testimonials PRODUCED BY JARED
Written Client Testimonials have helped fuel sales efforts for decades. VIDEO Client Testimonials are the JET FUEL of Social Proof!
Two (2) terrific options:
1) SET OF THREE (3) Golden Client Testimonials PRODUCED BY JARED
.................... Only $1497.95
2) ONE FULL DAY CLASS to learn the detailed skill sets to self-produce excellent Client Testimonial Videos.................... Only $ 497.95
Simply Call Jared for Details
and to Order: 847-304-4446