Great First Impression
Gift For You

Simply Call Jared for Details and to Order: 847-304-4446
Professional EPS Portrait Package
When we really like a photo of ourself, we’re proud to share it with... the world! Since 1995, EPS has successfully offered a Like-It or Love-It GUARANTEE. Executive Portrait Specialists IS the Cure for the Common Headshot! CLICK HERE to see samples (EPS Website)

....................Just $297.95

Professional EPS Portrait - VIDEO
The same Like-It or Love-It Guarantee package as above, BUT when “clicked” the headshot photograph comes to life as a talking 30 second video that delivers one's Unique Selling Promise & Call To Action. This unique combination captures more qualified prospects faster than a headshot alone.

....................Just $497.95

Knock Your Christmas Socks Off! ...with a Website Welcome Video / or Teaser Marketing from At a Glance Marketing. Video is proven to generate MUCH higher Google Search ranking to engage more prospective buyers.
*According to Cisco’s 2014 Visual Networking Index, video makes up 64% of all internet traffic and is forecast to grow to 80 percent by 2019. *Click for Source

....................Only $997.95

Written Client Testimonials have helped fuel sales efforts for decades. VIDEO Client Testimonials are the JET FUEL of Social Proof!

Two (2) terrific options:

1) SET OF THREE (3) Golden Client Testimonials PRODUCED BY JARED

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2) ONE FULL DAY CLASS to learn the detailed skill sets to self-produce excellent Client Testimonial Videos

.................... Only $ 497.95

Simply Call Jared for Details and to Order: 847-304-4446