Terms Of Service
Privacy Policy
At a Glance Marketing and its associated services Teaser Marketing Video, Video Production Workshops, Executive Portrait Specialists and Retouch Xpress are committed to protecting the privacy of any personally-identifiable information that we collect from you as you use this Web site and as you transact business with us.We will never share your information with any outside parties. Your information is utilized for the sole purpose of communicating with you when utilizing the proprietary services of At a Glance Marketing.
Guarantee and Refund Policy
As always, all At a Glance Marketing services carry the Jared “Straight Shooter” Silver “Bullet Proof" Guarantee. If we do not meet or exceed the established parameters of your project, simply let us know right away and we’ll make it right! Always review your proposals carefully.If project parameters change - the production charges may change as well. This can result in additional charges, lesser charges or refund. Good communication is the key to great success on any project!