
What's Digital Static?

Short on Time and Information Overloaded. That describes most of us these days... including prospective clients who actually WANT what you offer. Not long ago the sales copy for your new business offering had to be short and sweet. Today, prospects will only glance at your headline and skim the body copy. Nothing personal... it's just REALLY noisey out there.

with a properly produced video you can engage the attention of that perfect prospect and turn them into a cashflow client! But here's the thing... you MUST AVOID that Credibility Killing, Dangerously Distracting Digital Static! What's Digital Digital Static? Just CLICK the video on this page to find out.

At a Glance Marketing is your preeminent and trusted source for Marketing Video "Production and Instruction." You'll get the results you need to drive your business and career forward. I invite you to contact me now to determine how we can intergrate the power of video into your current marketing initiative. I wish you a very pleasant & profitable day! Jared

Questions? Contact Jared Silver | studio: 847-304-4446 | email: Jared@AtaGlanceMarketing.com

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